
Summer Lawn Maintenance Tips

Wanting to keep your lawn looking lush and vibrant all summer long? Follow this summer lawn maintenance schedule! There are six essential tasks and by doing a little each week you will have the best looking lawn on the block.


Fertilizing your yard is a key part to achieve the green grass you want! This only needs to be done once or twice in early spring and again in the fall. This will help your yard thrive in the summer! You may also want to consider adding mineral supplements if you notice your grass looking faded.


Watering needs may vary based on the weather, but it is important that most lawns receive about one inch of water every week. To promote healthier roots it is recommended to water for longer periods of time on fewer days than watering the yard every day.


Mowing your yard is a task not everyone looks forward too. One rule to follow is never too take off more than 1/3 of the grass blade while keeping grass height at the recommended level for your grass type. How frequently you are required to mow will shift with the seasons but on average is one time a week. Read more about The Truth on Husqvarna Zero Turn Mowers.


Edging is the secret weapon to keeping your yard looking better than the rest. Taking the time to edge once a week can bring your yard to the next level.


No one wants weeds growing in their yard; the key to keeping theses away is early prevention. By applying herbicide within the early spring months you help prevent weeds from appearing. But also staying on top of regular watering and fertilizing helps prevent weeds from sprouting.


Repair the damage. Lawn damage is bound to happen for a multitude of different possibilities, i.e. disease, pests, heavy traffic and children playing. Keep your yard in tip top shape. The key is to stay on top of repairing your grass and making it part of your routine.

If you have any questions on your lawn do not hesitate to contact us today!